modern, slick & professional.
The website we’ve created for Rinaldi Property & Construct tells visitors exactly what Rinaldi offers while also reflecting their emphasis on relationships and exceeding expectations.
Rinaldi has a creative and collaborative approach to development, so it was important to them that their new website uphold these values by being visually intriguing and easy to use.

A bold & memorable logo
It’s often the case that people don’t know what they like until they see it, this was definitely the case with Rinaldi when it came time to design their logo.
Rinaldi knew they wanted their logo to align with their business, but didn’t quite know what that looked like. After presenting a few concepts, we settled on a strong, sharp logo that perfectly reflects the strength of the Rinaldi brand.

An updated brand identity
Along with a new logo and fresh website, we created a new brand identity for Rinaldi.
For Rinaldi, this included a new colour palette, fonts, business card and email signature.

It’s 2021. If your website isn’t responsive then what the f* *k are you doing!?
As with all our work, we made sure that this website passed readability standards and is responsive on every device.
If you have a digital problem that you need help to solve, let us know! We’ll be back in touch for a chat soon.