
Can she have it all?

BY Rachael Pearson


1 September 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Work. University. Relationships. Notice how they’re separated by full stops and not commas? It’s no accident.

I promise I won’t bring out my violins and make this a super depressing tale of how hard life can be but I just want to ask the question, does anyone think they ‘have it all’? If you do, please contact me immediately and teach me your ways!
Since graduating those long 3 years ago I’ve tried so many different variations and degrees of those 3 aspects it’s crazy. Let’s go through some of them.

50% University + 30% Relationship + 20% Work

This is how it all started for me. I was uni-ing 5 days a week, working 3hrs a week and fitting family and my partner in inbetween. This worked for a while but surprisingly enough, working about 3.5hrs a week while having a love for food and clothes doesn’t make one very ‘cashed up’ and I struggled to make ends meet – having to buy textbooks were like taking bullets, $800 bullets.

70% Work + 15% Relationships + 15% University

This wasn’t a fun one… I managed to get myself a reception gig in a medical clinic which was super exciting, until the reception role turned into a personal assistant role and I found my whole life revolved around work. I actually struggled so much with uni that I dropped out for 6 months – something I never, EVER, thought I would do. I was so stressed out from work that all of my relationships suffered because I walked around on such a short fuse.

Now, after getting into my dream degree and working in my dream job I’m trying something new!

The 33.33% Work + 33.33% University + 33.33% Relationships mix. So far it’s been a bit rocky but so far it’s sticking. University is great – people should really advertise the benefits of part-time study more! Work is awesome (I’m not a kiss ass I swear), and relationships are getting better, plus I’m even finding time to hang out with friends on a Friday night!

There aren’t any guarantees that I will continue to feel like this, the old cliche ‘feeling like I’m walking on a tightrope’ could not be more accurate. So while things might be looking up for me, I know there are so many kids out there going through the exact same thing and I just want to shout from rooftops that everything will be okay!

If you ever have or still do feel this way and want to chat about it, chuck me a message! I promise I’ll do something clumsy that might make you feel a bit better even if it is just for a second.

Have a great day everyone, much love!

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