The internet has come along way since its invention in 1983. What started as a way for scientists to share simple information has transformed into a revolutionary network we’re connected to almost every second of the day.
It wasn’t always like this: innovation and competition have transformed the internet into a very different place. The earliest mainstream browsers were Netscape and Internet Explorer, with roughly 86% and 10% popularity respectively.
Since then various browsers such as Opera, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and many more have been released. Each has had their own advantages and varying success over the last 20 years. Some browsers have died and others have gained serious popularity.
Currently, Google Chrome makes up between 50% – 60% of all browser usage, leaving the next closest browser Safari at a humble 12% – 20%. Chrome gained popularity by being incredibly fast, easy to use and integrated with many popular web apps such as Gmail and Google Docs.
Firefox appears to be making a comeback though. The new Firefox claims to be faster, use less memory and boasts a very clean UI. While switching to the new Firefox will be frustrating I’ll be doing it for a simple reason: rewarding that same innovation and change that made the internet what it is today.
Adopting new tools and workflows is a core skill for any developer, and more broadly anybody who works with technology. Our work all involves technology to some degree, whether it be marketing, teaching or science. The learning curve is always frustrating, but we have to learn to evolve with it as it changes or risk being left behind.
So give it a shot yourself! Switch between iPhone and Android for your next phone. Switch between Windows and Mac for your next computer. At the end of the day, these products all offer something unique and powerful.
Each of us has to be willing to try new approaches to avoid getting stuck in a tech rut, to see great new things and keep ourselves from falling behind. The tech revolution has only just begun, and what’s to come will be even better.