
The new wave of first time online shoppers


BY Nick Bozic

{Lead UI/UX Designer}

5 July 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For many people in Australia, 2020 marked the first time an online shopping purchase was made. Due to lockdowns, people like my dad who still pays his phone bill at the post office, had little choice but to pay his bills and do his shopping online. I have seen much growth in his technological skill and his acceptance of the online world. He has asked to remain anonymous so I will refer to him as Brett throughout this post.

So what insight have we gleaned from these baby-faced first-timer online shoppers? Quite a few apparently, here are some.

Aussies will pick delivery speeds over preferred brands

Research from Google shows that Aussies will pick their second choice brand because it’s present. Brands that get delivered fast and early will usually be preferred. Studies have also shown Aussie shoppers have become more open-minded, buying more from new retailers than ever before. I’ve seen this change in Brett, once a rabid fan and advocator of such brands as Country Road, Hush Puppies and Mont Blanc, he has now more likely to settle on other brands like Cotton On and New Balance.

Aussies do more online research before they buy

As online shoppers become more savvy, weighing up options and research on a product becomes an endless rabbit hole in itself. The pandemic has also forced people to sniff out bargains due to budget constraints. Brett was once an impulsive in-store buyer, easily persuaded by the cunning salesman. No more, he now spends endless hours on his smart TV watching knife reviews on youtube (between reality dating shows) before making a purchase.

Aussies just want convenience

Shoppers should find the process simple and intuitive, easy to buy and pay online, fast shipping and hassle-free returns. I recall Brett trying to get a refund from a foiled trip to Europe because of the pandemic, after many phone calls with their support service, he had to download an app, create a login, verify the login, and apply for a refund. That was all too much and almost send him over rails, he said with confidence and passion “f*#k me dead, I’m never using these guys again, why do I need a bloody app to get a refund?”.

Online shopping behaviour is continually changing, with recent offline events escalating it even further. Be ready.

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Nick Bozic

Nick has a natural gift for visual design. He is particularly skilled in designing for mobile, having always been a keen tech user. He’s an easy going guy who loves to chat with clients…and is always ready to whip up a masterpiece.
