
Copywriting 101: Tips & Tricks

BY Amanda Smith


7 October 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes

‘Copywriting? Oh… that’s something about law isn’t it? And I think you’ve spelt it wrong.’

Like me, all copywriters have got this reaction once or twice. And if they’re anything like me, they’ll be smiling politely… through gritted teeth.

We see copywriting everyday – we just don’t know it. It’s on our radio station, our TV, in the magazines we read, on the websites we surf.

Copywriting is written content conveyed online and in traditional media. Jingles, web content, radio scripts, print ads, brochures, press releases, flyers, applications, and letters – the list goes on. Essentially, think of copywriting as the content you see in any form of marketing.

If you want to get your message out, I’ve got some tips for you. You can count them on one hand, so they’re easy to remember. Sound good?

Let’s jump in!

  1. “What a feeling!”

Ok, so this flash dance song should be the anthem for all your copy. You want to make your readers feel something.

Picture this… You’re watching AFL and your team’s star forward get slammed with a bone-crunching tackle, and hit the ground – head first. Ouch! But can you feel yourself cringing at the thought?

Strong emotion – love, fear, pain, and happiness – can be conveyed through words.

  1. Don’t sell to your reader

Try to avoid thumping your chest, banging on about how good you are. Always try to remember this principle: What’s in it for them. Speak to what really matters to your buyer, rather than why you’re the best.

I’ll show you an example.

“We have 20 years experience” vs. “you’re in good hands – we’ve been doing this for two decades.”

You see the difference – we spin the second one around on them. The spotlight is no longer on us. That’s the way it should be. Us humans, we’re selfish buggers.

  1. Write as if you’re in a one-on-one conversation

Speak to one person in your copy and you’ll speak to many. Forget about trying to talk to the masses. You want your copy to read as though you’re in a one-on-one conversation… because that’s exactly what it is. This will help you connect with your reader. You can never mention you too many times in your copy. Remember, write as you would speak and it gets easier.

Copywriting: It’s more than just words

Copywriting is more than just writing. Copywriters wear multiple hats. We’re storytellers, researchers, problem solvers, actors, marketers, people watchers and psychologists… We weave in and out of our roles, to meet the needs of each project.

It’s not for the faint hearted, but we hope these tips have given you an insight into a creative copywriter’s mind.

At Digital Noir, we’ve got copywriters on hand to help you make sense of your words. Contact us on 0468 757 727 or email [email protected] – we’re ready with the pen and paper!

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